Quick Block Basic FAQs

In order to answer some of the most common questions on the Quick Block Basic signal system, we’ve listed some of the most common questions we get. If you still have more questions, please feel free to reach out via the contact form in the menu. Thank you!

How simple is it?

  • It’s pretty simple! From the power supply, it’s simply 2 wires to each (up to 4) signal heads in the block. Then from there it’s 3 or 4 wires (depending on type of signal) to the signal head, and two wires each to the “take” and “release” handles / buttons. That’s it! We also supply sample wiring diagrams so you can see how to wire up your system.

How do the signals know from just 2 wires how to operate?

  • The signals communicate using a series of “chirps” and the boards know by the frequency of the chirp what’s going on in the system. The main board sends a chirp to each of the other boards in the system asking if they’re there. The other boards reply and all goes well. If the main board in the block doesn’t get a readback from one of the boards, it assumes a fault and sets all the signal heads to red. Because the system is only 2 wires, any issues like that are usually a loose wire.

Why can only 4 heads maximum be used? Doesn’t the system have more capacity?

  • In short, the system does have more capacity, the main board polling each of the other boards and waiting for a response takes time. Integral Circuits has determined that a good balance of safety and tone separation is the time needed to handle 4 boards. Any more than that and the chances of miscommunication between the control boards goes way up.

Can you have more than 1 “take” or “release” handle per signal head…say like in a yard lead”?

  • Yes! Each signal could have as many “take” or “release” handles/buttons as you’d like. All you need is a momentary contact button/handle of any type to activate the Quick Block Basic system. Many different types are available through electronics supply houses or on Amazon or Ebay.

Does the Quick Block Basic do track detection?

  • No. The Quick Block Basic does not do track detection. It’s controlled solely by momentary contact switches

Can the Quick Block Basic be used in wet applications?

  • Generally yes, however you will want to seal it in a waterproof box (electrical gang box designed for outdoor use for instance) as the circuit board itself should not get wet. Using waterproof boxes, outdoor wire and sealed signal heads should lead to proper operation in the biggest of monsoons.

Does the Quick Block Basic system work with all signal heads?

  • The QBB should operate with most signals available on the market today that use LEDs to operate. Reading Car Company carries signals that are compatible with the system and more designs are on the way soon.

How do I supply power to the system?

  • Power can be supplied through several means…. The most common way is a 12v power supply. You can also power the system with a 12v battery with or without a solar panel to keep it charged. The 3rd way would be a center tapped transformer with our optional power supply.

What are “take” and “release” handles?

  • Kinda a 2 part question… Part one is “take and “release” are terms used in the control of the system. To “take” is a claim the controlled block as your own (your signal goes yellow, all others to red). To release is to return it to an empty state (all green signals). The mention of take and release “handles” is based on the original installations of the system at the Mill Creek Central RR in Ohio. This railroad uses spring loaded 8” handles on posts to activate the take and release functions. These units will be available from Reading Car Company in the future. Other alternatives can be had on the internet in the form of weatherproof buttons or switches. So long as it’s a momentary contact button/switch, anything will work.

My signals only have 2 aspects… How does the system work with them?

  • With a 2 aspect signal, taking of the block turns all other lights to red, but what would normally be the “yellow” aspect instead is a flashing green. This is selected in the store when ordering and in order to be changed at a later date, the board would have to be returned to us for reprogramming.

  • As a side note, 2 and 3 aspect signals can be mixed and matched in one block without issue.

How hard is it to program and install? Do I need an electrical dregree?

  • Not at all. Programming your boards can be done for you for an added fee, or you can purchase the programmer and do them yourself. Programming the boards is as easy as sliding the programmer onto the board, and telling it how many boards are in the block, and which board number it is. We will have a video of this up shortly. Installing the boards is as simple as following the diagram that comes with them.

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